• Week in Review

The Guyana National Computer Incident Response Team (GNCIRT) seeks to provide technical assistance to public agencies to prevent and respond effectively to information security incidents of national importance.


Cybersecurity Awareness

Information, details and cybersecurity knowledge that everyone should be aware of

CA082022_165 Browser Updates: Featured Image

Get Safe Online recommends that for optimum protection against fraud when using the internet, you always run the latest version of your chosen browser that…

Ref# CA082022_165
CA082022_166 Software Decommissioning: Featured Image

It is important that you carry out regular reviews or audits of application software on all computers and information systems, and ensure that redundant software…

Ref# CA082022_166
CA082022_167 Safe Disposal: Featured Image

Smartphones and tablets that you no longer need should be disposed of with great care. The data on your device can easily be accessed whether…

Ref# CA082022_167

Recent Avisories

Official media releases in regards to matter relation to cybersecurity and works of the Guyana CIRT Team.

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Fortinet has published a security advisory to address vulnerabilities affecting the following products on July 9, 2024. It is recommended that you take the necessary…

Ref# ADV2024_229
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Microsoft has published a security advisory to address vulnerabilities affecting the following products on July 9th, 2024. It is recommended that you take the necessary…

Ref# ADV2024_228
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Citrix has published a security advisory to address vulnerabilities affecting the following products on July 9, 2024. It is recommended that you take the necessary…

Ref# ADV2024_227

Recent Alerts

Publication by the Guyana CIRT Team regarding possible cybersecurity risk and vulnerabilities.

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Description GitLab has recently disclosed a critical security vulnerability affecting its Community and Enterprise editions, posing significant risks to organizations using the platform. The vulnerability,…

Ref# AL2024_14
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Description Financial institutions across Latin America are facing a significant threat from the Mekotio banking trojan, also known as Melcoz, according to recent observations by…

Ref# AL2024_13
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Description  A new malware known as Snowblind has been identified, exploiting an Android security feature to bypass existing anti-tampering protections in apps handling sensitive user…

Ref# AL2024_12

Recent Tips

Expert Informtion provided by the Guyana Cirt Team in matters relating to cybersecurity.

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Using cracked software in an organization poses significant risks that can jeopardize the security and stability of your business. Cracked software is often obtained through…

Ref# T2024_02
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To safeguard your organization’s most important assets, start by identifying your key business processes and the technology that supports them, including application servers, databases, and…

Ref# T2024_01
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It is advisable to refrain from using your work email address on publicly accessible internet websites. Work emails often contain sensitive information related to your…

Ref# T2023_08