Good Security Habits

Ref# Develop | Date: Sep 11th 2018

Having an online presence will increase the chances for prohibited access to your computer devices. However, you can significantly reduce these chances by developing habits that make it more difficult. The National Data Management Authority advises you to:

  • Keep Your Online Identity Secret.  Do not tell anyone your real name and address or what neighborhood you live in. Heres the general rule: Dont give out any information that a predator could possibly use to find you.

  • Create a strong password. Use a strong password that is unique for each device or account. Longer passwords are more secure. An option to help you create a long password is using a passphrasefour or more random words grouped together and used as a password. To create strong passwords, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) suggests using simple, long, and memorable passwords or passphrases. 

  • Consider using a password manager. Password manager applications manage different accounts and passwords while having added benefits, including identifying weak or repeated passwords. There are many different options, for example,   1 million plus and an overall positive review. Properly using one of these password managers may help improve your overall password security.

  • Use two-factor authentication, if available. Two-factor authentication is a more secure method of authorising access. It requires two out of the following three types of credentials: something you know (e.g., a password or PIN), something you have (e.g., a token or ID card), and something you are (e.g., a biometric fingerprint). Because one of the two required credentials requires physical presence, this step makes it more difficult for a threat actor to compromise your device.

  • Use security questions properly. For accounts that ask you to set up one or more password reset questions, use private information about yourself that only you would know. Answers that can be found on your social media or facts everyone knows about you can make it easier for someone to guess your password.

  • Choose secure networks. Use internet connections you trust, such as your company”s service or Long-Term Evolution connection through your wireless carrier. Public networks are not very secure, which makes it easy for others to intercept your data. If you choose to connect to open networks, consider using antivirus and firewall software on your device. 

  • Keep all of your personal or work-related electronic device software current. Updates should be downloaded from the manufacturer website or built-in application stores.

  • Be suspicious of unexpected emails. Phishing emails are currently one of the most prevalent risks to the average user. The goal of a phishing email is to gain information about you, steal money from you, or install malware on your device. Be suspicious of all unexpected emails.

  • Avoid Questionable Downloads. Do not download any attachment without making sure it is safe. 


  • Good Security Habits