DNS hijacking and mitigation advice (July 12, 2019)

Ref# Ongoing | Date: Jul 19th 2019


The United Kingdoms National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) has released an advisory about an ongoing Domain Name System (DNS) hijacking campaign. The advisory stated the risks of DNS hijacking as well as the mitigation steps needed to prevent attackers from using compromised credentials to do the following:

    to modify the location to which an organisations domain name resources resolve to redirect users

    to obtain sensitive information

    to cause man-in-the-middle attacks

Hence, it is recommended that you take the necessary precautions by ensuring your product is always updated.

The National Cyber Security Center last published an alert in January 2019 which highlighted a large-scale global campaign to hijack Domain Name Systems (DNS). 

Ever since the alert was published, further activities were observed with victims of DNS hijacking identified across multiple regions and sectors.

Click here to download Advisory-DNS-hijacking.pdf

The Guyana National CIRT recommends users and administration to review these updates and to apply them where necessary.


    Ongoing DNS hijacking and mitigation advice (US-Cert)
