On How To Recognize Fake Antiviruses

Ref# Tips | Date: Oct 1st 2016


A fake antivirus is a malicious software developed to retrieve information from a computer by imitating a legitimate security software. It is therefore important to guard your computer against fake antivirus infection and have the ability to recognise the occurrence of an infection.

How can your computer become infected with fake antivirus?

The fake antivirus software is usually distributed using search engines, emails, social networking sites, internet advertisements, and other malware. They leverage advanced social engineering methodologies and well-known technologies to maximise the number of infected computers.

How to detect fake antivirus?

The presence of pop-ups displaying unusual security warnings and asking for credit card or personal information is the most obvious method of identifying a fake antivirus infection.

The National Data Management Authority advises you to :

  • Be cautious when visiting web links or opening attachments from unknown senders. 

  • Keep software patched and updated.

  • Visit the vendor sites directly to purchase or renew software subscriptions.

  • Monitor your credit cards for unauthorised activity.



  • Recognizing Fake Antiviruses


  • Rogue Antivirus Software         
