Tips List
Block Email Forwarding to Stop BEC Attackers (2nd December, 2020)
Description Cybercriminals are exploiting an email forwarding vulnerability on webmail platforms to make BEC (Business Email Compromise) attacks more . . . Read more

Date Publish: Dec 2nd 20
Microsoft Urges users to stop using phone based Multi-factor Authentication (22nd November, 2020)
Microsoft is urging users to avoid using SMS and voice based multi-factor authentication (MFA) solutions and instead replace them with newer multi-fac . . . Read more

Date Publish: Nov 21st 20
Protecting yourself against scams on WhatsApp (22nd October, 2020)
WhatsApp usage has increased tremendously in recent times, but unfortunately, so has cyber-crime and hacking. Cybercriminals are utilizing a social en . . . Read more

Date Publish: Oct 22nd 20
TikTok- Is it safe?
TikTok has quickly become a popular application in recent months, serving as a platform for viral videos, memes, and even political satire and activis . . . Read more

Date Publish: Aug 12th 20
Mobile devices in the office
Todays advanced mobile devices are well integrated with the internet and have far more functionality than mobile phones of the past. The smart phones . . . Read more

Date Publish: Jul 23rd 20
Protecting Against Ransomware
Cyberthreats are constantly evolving in order to take advantage of online behaviour and trends. The COVID 19 outbreak is no exception. According to VM . . . Read more

Date Publish: May 25th 20
How to safely use remote meeting tools
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered the way in which we work in such a short period of time. As such cybercriminals have seized the… . . . Read more

Date Publish: Apr 23rd 20
Protecting against COVID-19 Cyber Attacks
Advisory April 21, 2020 COVID-19 has forced many of us to rely heavily on various online tools to collaborate with others while maintaining a physical . . . Read more

Date Publish: Apr 21st 20
Maintaining good Cyber Hygiene during COVID-19
The COVID-19 virus is continuing to impact the world in an extraordinary way, shutting down schools, cities and in some cases entire countries. The un . . . Read more

Date Publish: Apr 8th 20
Working From Home
In response to COVID-19, some public servants are now working from home. While it is necessary to practice good cyber hygiene in office, it is… . . . Read more

Date Publish: Mar 25th 20
Hide WordPress login page to prevent hackers from attacking websites
By default, WordPress websites have a publicly accessible wp-login.php page. This enables hackers to attack websites through malicious means such as b . . . Read more

Date Publish: Mar 4th 20
Sweetheart Apps
Download this app and give us full permission to access your files and well introduce you to your lifelong partner. Oh please! Warning: The National&h . . . Read more

Date Publish: Feb 12th 20

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